Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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Oberseminar Theoretische Festkörperphysik
Sommersemester 2001

Donnerstag 14-16 Uhr
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Seminarraum Philosophenweg 19
Organisator: Prof. Franz Wegner

  • 26.4. Vorbesprechung
  • 3.5. -
  • 10.5. J. Reyes-Martinez, Aachen
    Spinon-Beschreibung des Kondo Problems
  • 17.5. T. Wang, Heidelberg
    Metastabilität und Keimbildung in komplexen Systemen
  • 24.5. Himmelfahrt
  • 31.5. T. Rupp, Heidelberg
    Embedded Ensembles of Gaussian Random Matrices
  • 7.6. D. Manske, FU Berlin
    Theory for Cooper-pairing due to spin fluctuations in hole- and electron-doped cuprate superconductors
  • 14.6. Fronleichnam
  • 21.6. M. Vojta, Augsburg
    Quantum phase transitions and quasiparticle damping in d-wave superconductors
  • 28.6. Y. Alhassid, Heidelberg/Yale
    The statistical theory of quantum dots: beyond the single-particle picture
  • 5.7. T. Pruschke, Augsburg
    Non-Fermi liquid behavior and superconductivity in the 2D-Hubbard Model
  • 12.7. Gesprächskreis Rhein-Neckar
  • 19.7. C. Cordeiro, Heidelberg/Niterói (Brasilien)
    Abrupt change in the lifetime of metastable states
  • 2.8. V. Hankevych, Ternopyl (Ukraine)
    Metal-insulator transition under appropriate conditions of temperature and pressure in the generalized Hubbard model with correlated hopping

Wintersemester 2001/02

Zur Gruppe Statistische Physik.